Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Stop rhyming I mean it -- Anybody want a peanut?

This isn't really about rhyming per se, but it is about the popularity of the heroic couplet in the Eighteenth-Century. Here's a list of pro-heroic coupleters:
  • Dryden (in poetry and drama, baby!)
  • Denham's Cooper's Hill
  • Pope
  • Johnson's Vanity of Human Wishes
  • Goldsmith's The Deserted Village
  • Chaucer (he's not 18C, but he's the enabler)
Now, people who don't like the heroic couplet in epic poetry:
  • Matthew Prior
He claims he doesn't like it, yet it seems like he uses it... I'm probably wrong about this, but...
  • rhyming couplet
  • epic poetry
  • iambic pentameter (the jury is still out on the iambic)

PS- Okay, so I suppose that Prior's lines are enjambed instead of closed... but seriously, he's THIS close to being a heroic coupleter, it hurts!

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