Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My primary texts (so far)

Here are the texts I am considering for my dissertation:
  • Martinus Scriblerus
  • Tale of a Tub
  • The Female Quixote
  • Northanger Abbey
I also considered Tristram Shandy and The Man of Feeling, but those two are a bit problematic when it comes to defining them as satires. They also happen to be the craziest reader-oriented texts I can think of. Oh well.

I'm sure that many, many more minor texts will be addressed along the way, but these texts will spearhead my chapters. I think that Northanger or Tale of a Tub will be my job talk chapters... More than likely Tale of a Tub... How many times do I need to present on Northanger to call it "all good"? Seriously. I think I've presented on NA about 3 times already.

Is Tale of a Tub well-known for people outside of the 18C? Maybe I should ask for your opinions. Have any of you ever heard of Jonathan Swift's Tale of a Tub? If you're in this MA program, you had to read for your masters exam... Anyone else?

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