Sunday, November 11, 2007

The real adviser responds

This week has been revelatory for me. I received immediate responses from my director/adviser which were both positive and critical. My adviser has the strongest moral character I've ever encountered in a person. It's as though he is the reincarnation of Johnson, dare I say it...

I need to sit down at this point to reread all of my primary texts. I think that I can do a great deal of this work during the winter break. Or at least after I complete the papers for my minor courses. I also need to accumulate secondary and critical material for my project. In the end, I think I may have 4 stacks of texts to read: primary/18C sources, sources on reading theory, sources on satire, and sources on the practice of reception theory.

According to my adviser, I still need to hone in and "conceptualize" my project. I'm just grateful that my project has a slight thumbs up instead of an outright thumbs down. Yay!

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